Legal Notices
Legal Notices
Contact details
mail : calatayud.claire@gmail.com
SIRET : 83286739400013
Code APE : 83286739400013
Intellectual Property
The user acknowledges that the content of this site and the elements of which it is composed are protected by intellectual property rights and that any copy, reproduction, distribution, sale or exploitation, by whatever means, is strictly forbidden.
Webmaster & hosting
Photo and video Credits : Les Sastres – Domaines de Clara
Webmaster : ADMIRS
Hosting : OVH : 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix
Nature of the information published on this site
We accept no responsibility for the dissemination of information which has been fraudulently introduced through our site and which may cause damage.
We also disclaim any responsibility for any inconvenience you may experience through this site: such as infection by a virus that may cause software or hardware damage, and such as interruption of the operation of the site disrupting access to the information for any reason whatsoever.
Use of cookies
Use of cookies
Cookies are stored for 12 months. Read more about our Privacy Policy.
Hyperlinks and partnerships
Access to sites other than Domaines de Clara’s can be gained through hyperlinks. We decline all responsibility for their content once you activate the link. Please make sure you read the specific legal terms and conditions of these sites before using them.
Nominative information
In accordance with the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, you have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete any personal data concerning you. To do this, you can make a request by contacting us either by e-mail or by post at the address given above.